The site is just a single panel comic with topics that vary from day to day.
I started writing the comics back in grade school to make my friends laugh.
Slowly I felt the need to get my comics to a larger audience. My paper comic
archive was getting to the point where there was just so many I didnt know what
to do with them all. So after poking my head around the net I found some sweet
free hosting and created this website. So thats the story of how this all came
to be...kind of...
note all images on this page are original and my creations/ideas (except link
buttons to other sites) and are therefore my intellectual property, and subject
to copyright laws. If you however want to use anything of my page i'm happy
to let you but you must e-mail me first and give me credit somewhere on your
page or document.
Sparky Comics
Dead links? Questions? just think im awesome and wish to e-mail me, just
so that you can say you have talked to someone awesome? contact the creator/Webmaster
Sparks is hosted on ComicGenesis,
a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.